CBD, THC, MIP - What Do Acronyms in the Cannabis Industry Mean?

Every industry has its share of acronyms, and the cannabis industry is no different. While most people are now familiar with THC and CBD, that’s really just the tip of the acronym iceberg. But don’t worry. We’re here to help you understand what the most common acronyms mean so you can get a better understanding of the products you’re purchasing. Refer back to this quick reference guide any time you hear a new term in cannabis lingo that has you stumped.
The Guide to the ABCs of Cannabis Acronyms
ABV (Already Been Vaped) – Refers to the THC-containing byproduct of vaporization.
BOE (Based on Experience) – Often used in job listings within the cannabis industry instead of a fixed rate. More experience tends to yield higher pay.
BHO (Butane Hash Oil) – A strong cannabis concentrate that comes in various consistencies. This product is often used for dabbing.
CAN (Cannabis Nurses Association) – A national organization dedicated to expanding the understanding and knowledge base of endocannabinoid therapeutics among nurses.
CBD (Cannabinoid, Cannabidiol) – A type of cannabinoid that does not have psychoactive effects. Often used to treat pain and other ailments.
CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) – A US agency that tracks and investigates public health.
cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Processes) – Instructions for manufacturers on how to use current systems and technologies to follow specific FDA regulations.
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) – An odorless and colorless gas that is commonly used for extraction and the production of CO2 oil.
COA (Certificate of Analysis) – Full panel results confirming potency, the presence of cannabinoids and terpenes. Also confirms the absence of bacteria, pathogens, mycotoxins, pesticides, and more.
DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) – A government agency which deals with drug smuggling and drug abuse. Currently, the DEA still considers cannabis a Schedule I drug on their controlled substances list.
EPC (Extended Plant Count) – The number of medical cannabis plants a qualified medical patient is legally allowed to grow within their home. Requires eligible medical records that show proof of ailments.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) – A US Agency tasked with the responsibility of protecting public health in the areas of food, tobacco, and more. They regulate and approve drugs for medical use.
FF (Fresh Frozen) – Describes cannabis concentrates or hashish made from plant material that is harvested and immediately cryogenically frozen.
FSE (Full Spectrum Extract) – A type of hash oil including a higher percentage of cannabinoids and terpenes beyond just CBD and THC.
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) – Manufacturing guidelines provided by the FDA to ensure quality and safety.
HIA (Hemp Industries Association) – a non-profit trade association representing hemp companies, researchers, and supporters across the US and Canada that petitions for the fair and equal treatment of industrial hemp.
HS (Half Strength) – Sometimes refers to weaker strains of cannabis.
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) – A non-government entity that creates testing standards and provides certifications for third-party laboratories.
MED (Marijuana Enforcement Division) – Provides the operational rules for the legal cannabis industry in Colorado.
METRC (Marijuana Enforcement Tracking Reporting Compliance) – The official regulatory system used by cannabis businesses to monitor cannabis plants from seed to sale in the state of Colorado.
MIPs (Marijuana-Infused Products) – Drinks, edibles, and anything else created using cannabis concentrates. Also refers to the licensed facility in which the products are made.
MITS (Marijuana Inventory Tracking Solution) – A program for tracking individual cannabis plants according to government regulation.
MMJ (Medical Marijuana/Cannabis) – Cannabis products doctors recommend to patients to treat various conditions and ailments.
OLCC (Oregon Liquor Control Commission) – Used in reference to the Oregon MED Badge which allows individuals or businesses to operate in the legal cannabis industry.
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) – An administration that assures safe and healthful working conditions by setting and enforcing standards as well as providing assistance, education, outreach, and training.
POS (Point of Sale System) – Software used by retail outlets and dispensaries that help manage inventory, process transactions, as well as other functions.
PPM (Parts Per Million) – Standard measurement of residual solvents as well as mold and pesticides found within cannabis products.
QWISO (Quick Wash Isopropyl) – a method of quickly and easily making hash. Considered to be high quality.
REC (Recreational Cannabis) – Cannabis and cannabis products meant for recreational use.
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) – The most common cannabinoid and the most common psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant.
THCa (Tetrahydrocannabinol Acid) – A non-psychoactive compound found in raw and live cannabis. THCa converts into THC as the cannabis dries.
These are just some of the acronyms found in the cannabis industry. The list continues to grow frequently. If you’re ever in doubt of an acronym’s meanings, just asked someone well-versed in the industry to help you out.